Anything Else You Would Like To Say...?
A podcast about two different girls living in two different worlds. We share our thoughts & opinions about society and culture through comedy and satire. At the end of the day, we always ask...is there anything else you would like to say?
Podcasting since 2022 • 13 episodes
Anything Else You Would Like To Say...?
Latest Episodes
EP.11 Make a Wish, Bitch
Your favorite dynamic duo is finally back to wrap up season one of our show. After taking the summer off, we have so much to tell you, so sit back, relax, and get caught up with Q&A. You don't want to miss this one; from strip clubs with ma...
Season 1
Episode 11

Ep. 10-I Want To Be Somebody's Venus
Q & A discuss the new show, 'Queen Charlotte' and our love for Shonda Rhimes plus a fun game of, "Fuck, Marry, or Kill."
Season 1
Episode 10

EP. 9- You Know What You Did
Q and A discuss our favorite show to watch together from our childhood and teenagehood & the inspiration behind us starting our show. We talk all things Laguna Beach and The Hills.
Season 1
Episode 9